b. Sigmoid, ReLU, LeakyReLU
c. Forward & Backward Propagation
d. Xavier Gorat, He init
e. Normal & Uniform Distribution
g. Sochastic Gradient Descent
h. Adagrad Optimizer, Adadelta & RMSProp
i. ADAM Optimizer
j. Softmax Regression
a. Digital Image Processing
b. Digital Video Processing
Convolutional Neural Networks - Andrew Ng
a. Filtering & OpticalFLow
b. Canny Edge Detector
c. Harris Detector & SIFT Transform
d. Laplace & Gaussian Theorem
For Convolution Neural Network
a. Padding & Pooling
b. Transfer Learning
c. Data Augmentation
d. Localization , Landmark detection & Object detection
e. Nonmax Suppression & Anchor Boxes
b. YOLO Algorithm
c. R-CNN
d. Mask R-CNN
Vehicle Detection & Tracking SelfDrivingCar
b. BackPropogation Equation
c. Language Modelling
d. Vanishing gradients with RNN
e. GRU
f. Long Short Term Memory
g. Text Summarization
seq2seq English to French Translation
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) - Ahlad Kumar
a. Epileptic Seizure Detection Based on EEG Signals
b. Visual Reconstruction of Image from Spoken Word using EEG
b. Markov Decision Process
c. Policies & Value Function
d. Q-Learning
e. Bellman Optimality Equation
f. Q value and Updation
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