We have created a python library called realtimeplt, its main purpose is to serve users with the real-time loss plot in JupyterNotebook for Keras, PyTorch & TensorFlow DeepLearning Library.
We also serve as an Independent education organization to help students better understand DeepLearning.
VisionBrain & realtimeplt has been created by Aryan Karn and team, its Sole purpose is to make AI accessible to everyone.
We want to make research accessible to all the Undergraduate students and want to create a research-oriented environment.
I am a 3rd-year undergraduate student at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad where I study Electronics and Communication Engineering.
I am interested in the symbiotic relationship between AI and cognitive science i.e. AI to better understand the brain and cognitive theories to help build better AI models.
I am now working on a research project on the Cognitive theory of thinking with Explainable Computation. My main motive to make this organization was to make ai research accessible to everyone.